For Those Who Might be Wondering….

What life is like 3 weeks after the Flamingo gets her cast off …. I thought I’d update you….

Key observation!: 9 weeks on from surgery and 3 weeks off crutches…. whilst it feels fixed and never hurts, it’s days like today that remind me how lucky I’ve been, and that my little foot is still recovering!

IMG_1781.JPG Here is what happens after I try to do too much. I like to call it Fat Ankle.

It has been pain free luckily but it likes to remind me to take it easy by getting swollen if I try to do too much in one day! And ok I’ll admit it …. I may have made a little error in judgement when I decided to wear a pair of wedges to a ‘stand up’ cocktail thing ….. So let’s just say, I may have ( just maybe)….got what I deserved.

Apart from that, as long as I take it easy I’m a pretty happy two legged flamingo.


Off to the beach tomorrow for some soft sand Physio! The best kind xx

Time to Put My Foot Down!

IMG_1582.JPGTomorrow the cast comes off!! So for only one more night, do I go to bed with this view!! I am besiiiiiide myself!!

So on this final eve: I’m reflecting on this flamingo journey – and have noticed it hasn’t been all bad!!!

1. The world did not explode, collapse or stop spinning even though I could not walk or drive.

2. My family is in fact fully capable of doing all the washing, cooking and cleaning, and I even always had clean undies!! (Wow)

3. My gorgeous friends and family have been soooo very kind – driving both me and my children all over Brisbane, cooking, visiting, listening to me whinge, delivering and retrieving various things I’ve needed throughout the entire 6 weeks without complaining once!!


4. Surprisingly I have been able to appreciate the increased simplicity of being on one leg – despite its inconvenience it has been just a little less crazy than normal, which was actually pretty awesome. So If I can I’m going to try to maintain just a little bit of the serenity and stop over-committing myself quite so much!

5. I have a completely new appreciation for the simple stuff – and can’t wait to go grocery shopping (sad but true story), drive down to the shop if I’ve run out of milk, go up to school for reading, go out without crutches, my food to the table (😁), and walk the dog.


And for you my fellow flamingoes?? Thank you for all of your kind comments, clicks and views which have truly kept me going through the tough times!!

From pining for my skinny pants, to viewing nearly every image in Pinterest to buying, borrowing or renting any device designed for flamingoes – it’s been quite the journey. And it’s not quite over – as I move on to moon-boots, Physio and stiffness – but the hard part is done, and I look forward to continuing my recovery journey on two feet!


Not gonna miss #3

Not gonna miss cutting off the bottom half of one leg of all of my pants!

IMG_1663.JPGThe unfortunate thing is that today I learnt, in a brief moment of ‘just wondering’, that I in fact did not actually need to chop my pants in the first place – because in fact all the cheap jeans are full of stretchy fake fibres….. And as it turns out they all pretty much fit over the cast as they were.


Sorry pants. I didn’t mean to cut you off without fully researching the possibilities first …..We live and learn…. I think my kids would call that a ‘fail’.

Not Gonna Miss #2

This entire set up is not going to be missed in my shower next week!

IMG_1644.JPGAs nice as it is to sit down, I’d rather not have to in the shower! I’d also prefer not to have to put an elasticated bag on my leg either. Not to say that both of these things have not been useful ….. But I shall not miss them….that’s all!

I’m not gonna miss ….

Ooooh…. Only 6 days to go ….. And counting …

Every blog post this week is devoted to something else that I’m not gonna miss:

Today …… Thing 1:

I’m not gonna miss …..relying on my dog to clean my toes…. Yep when you allow this to even happen in the first place – you know you’ve hit rock bottom. Enough said 😁😁


The Attack Flamingo

Ok so I am officially ooooover it! One week to go tomorrow! And it can’t come soon enough!!

IMG_1623.JPG My husband is officially sick of getting up to get me stuff. My 5 year old asked me tonight ‘Mum, why did that girl trip you up at Netball? I really wish she hadn’t!’

As much as they all love me – yep it’s wearing thin!

Here are the top 5 irritants for those unlucky people LIVING with a bored flamingo:

1. I leave dirty cups all over the house because it’s too hard to balance them on the scooter to take them back to the kitchen.

2. None of my shoes are together anymore because the lefts are all over the house.

3. I love flowers so always have some in a vase somewhere – but it’s too hard to carry them to change the water – so now there’s dead flowers in green water around the house.

4. I have seriously not done a load of washing in 5 weeks – that’s enough to drive all of my family nuts – 5 people generate a lot of washing!

5. And the final crime? ….. I know it’s gross but sometimes I just can’t be bothered to brush my teeth or put my PJs on at night – so I sleep in my clothes with dirty teeth because it’s all too hard and I simply cannot be bothered!

There! I’ve said it – I’ve officially turned into a Neanderthal! My poor family is even over it! 😁😁😁

IMG_1624.JPGThen to top it all off my friend Henry posted real flamingoes from the zoo on Facebook and not one of them was standing on one leg!!!



Flamingo Hits the City

Wow I felt almost nearly normal today when I was taken by the lovely Susan Brandie from Simply Great Ideas to the city for a lunch in the Hilton ballroom!

A grown up lunch! I felt nearly normal – well, aside from the fact I couldn’t really glam up, had to wear my 13 year old daughter’s leggings and ballet flats – well, flat – and had to get Susan to carry my bag, and our kind table host had to carry my drink to the table. It was still exciting!

And for other exciting Flamingo news!….drumroll please….I have, yes, ….only 10 days left to go in my radiant orchid leg attire!! From tomorrow the single digit countdown is ON!

The scooter will be a thing of the past. I’ll be moon-booting before I know it!! See below my upcoming footwear – it’s no Manolo but at least I will be walking on my own two feet! Hurrah!

How shall the flamingo celebrate?! The two legged celebration planning begins!


Flamingo Funnies

Today’s inspirations come from a lazy day on Pinterest. I failed to achieve my strategic ‘pace myself’ plan for yesterday’s long lunch! It was a great day but today I’m exhausted. Thank you Brookfield Long Lunch! Lots of fun, and money raised for charity! You guys actually made crutches fun (well, not quite, but close)!
Anyone for some cast cakes or cookies??


Animal Casts!!!! Who knew?






Party cast theming? Hot or Not? It’s not for me – but hey, the first one, the girl drew this design with a pen – now that’s serious boredom!!!




IMG_1570.JPGand to finish, here are some random pins that caught my eye


IMG_1577.JPG This one is soooo true! I wait until I need 3 things before I get up!
Omg – a bookmark! Lol.
Happy Sunday Flamingoes!!