The Attack Flamingo

Ok so I am officially ooooover it! One week to go tomorrow! And it can’t come soon enough!!

IMG_1623.JPG My husband is officially sick of getting up to get me stuff. My 5 year old asked me tonight ‘Mum, why did that girl trip you up at Netball? I really wish she hadn’t!’

As much as they all love me – yep it’s wearing thin!

Here are the top 5 irritants for those unlucky people LIVING with a bored flamingo:

1. I leave dirty cups all over the house because it’s too hard to balance them on the scooter to take them back to the kitchen.

2. None of my shoes are together anymore because the lefts are all over the house.

3. I love flowers so always have some in a vase somewhere – but it’s too hard to carry them to change the water – so now there’s dead flowers in green water around the house.

4. I have seriously not done a load of washing in 5 weeks – that’s enough to drive all of my family nuts – 5 people generate a lot of washing!

5. And the final crime? ….. I know it’s gross but sometimes I just can’t be bothered to brush my teeth or put my PJs on at night – so I sleep in my clothes with dirty teeth because it’s all too hard and I simply cannot be bothered!

There! I’ve said it – I’ve officially turned into a Neanderthal! My poor family is even over it! 😁😁😁

IMG_1624.JPGThen to top it all off my friend Henry posted real flamingoes from the zoo on Facebook and not one of them was standing on one leg!!!



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